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Lashes • Brows • Love


Long Lashes - How Do I Achieve the Fabulous Look?

Lash Lifting

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at September 25th, 2022

Most people want long, luscious, and captivating eyelashes; they look marvelous and are highly sought after by all personality types. It’s quite a simple beauty concept, longer eyelashes make your eyes look bigger, and as the saying goes, “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” Even so, not everyone naturally has long eyelashes. So, how can you achieve the look of long lashes if you weren’t gifted with long eyelashes of your own? We’ve got some fabulous tips! Here are a few treatment strategies for achieving beautiful,  long eyelashes. 

Long Lashes - Natural Solutions

Not everyone is born with naturally long lashes; luckily, you can do a few things to increase the thickness, fullness, and length of your eyelashes. The first thing you can do is consistent eyelash maintenance. At the end of each day, make sure to wash off your eye makeup along with washing your face and eyelashes. Also, gently brushing your eyelashes can help remove residue that can be fatiguing and also help to elongate their structure.  Other solutions include taking supplements like fish oil or biotin. You can also try applying green tea, castor oil, coconut oil, or olive oil to your lash line to promote strength and healthy growth. 

Long Lashes - Lash Tinting

While you could try any of the solutions mentioned above, you can be more active in your strategy. Lash tinting is a professional solution that is semi-permanent and will have your lashes looking fantastic for several weeks. Lash tinting is dying your eyelashes to create a darker and fuller look. The process is meant to mimic the look of mascara without having to apply it every morning. It won’t make your eyelashes longer, but it will give them more definition and color. When your lashes have greater contrast and present more defined against the rest of your face, they can appear to look longer than they actually are. 

Lash Lifts

Lash lifts are another way to achieve the desired look of longer and fuller eyelashes. Like lash tinting, lash lifts are a semi-permanent treatment. Unlike lash tinting, lash lifts do not involve any dye; rather, the lash artist will apply chemicals to your eyelashes. From there, the lash artist will shape your lashes upward to give them a longer and fuller look. You may also receive a keratin boost or lash tint, depending on the type of lash lift you receive. The process takes 45 minutes to an hour but can last anywhere from 4-6 weeks. 

Lash Extensions

Of course, you didn’t think we’d fail to mention lash extensions, right!? Lash extensions are the best way to achieve the longer lashes you dream of. While there are many different types of lash extensions and styles of application, the philosophy is simple; apply false lashes of various lengths and densities to your own and bond them with adhesive solutions. The results are fabulous lashes that last for weeks without needing daily mascara application! 
If you live in the Greater Houston area and you want longer lashes, contact us at Chic Lash Boutique We offer lash lifts, tinting services, and, of course, lash extensions! These treatments are great ways to give you the vibrant lashes you desire. Call us at any of our three Houston area locations to book an appointment today!       


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