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When Can I Wash My Eyebrows After Microblading?


Posted by Jennifer Ngo at September 10th, 2021

One of the services we get the most questions about is microblading, and with good reason. Microblading is a salon service that not only takes lots of talent and skill to execute well, but it also needs proper aftercare to ensure that the end result stays beautiful. Also, the client must not accidentally cause irritation or damage to their skin after the treatment is complete. One of the microblading questions we hear most often in our microblading salons “When can I wash my eyebrows after microblading?” This article will answer this question and some other common FAQs regarding microblading and microblading aftercare!

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When Can I Wash My Eyebrows After Microblading: Aftercare Day By Day Without going back into the fundamentals of microblading, remember that microblading is done when an eyebrow artist uses blades comprised of tiny micro-needles. These needles penetrate the top superficial layers of skin of the eyebrow, depositing ink that mimics the hair colors of your natural brows. Because there is some light manipulation of the top layers of skin, it is important to take the aftercare regimen seriously to avoid any skin issues that could occur. To get a refresher on microblading, please read our accompanying blog: “How Does Microblading Work?

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Microblading Aftercare Tips: Keeping the Skin Clean and Healthy Everyone’s body and skin are different. Each person will react differently to beauty/salon treatments, so be careful to monitor the skin of your eyebrow closely the day after your microblading treatment. The skin of your eyebrow that has received pigmentation will likely produce some excess fluid. This fluid is produced from the lymphatic system, and it’s a way that your body helps cleanse your tissue cells - it is expected to experience some drainage around the eyebrows; make sure to absorb this fluid with a sterile DRY cloth - you can do this by gently and delicately patting the skin. Microblading Aftercare Tips: Let’s Talk About Washing the Brows We know, we know; you want to wash your eyebrows so bad after microblading. If you are someone who loves to wash their face and brows each night with cleansers and facial scrubs, I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait and curb those urges for at least ten days after your initial microblading appointment. If you get your eyebrows wet after a microblading session, it can negatively affect the treatment and your skin in the following ways:
  • It can delay the healing process, not allowing the skin to scab properly
  • Pain and burning sensation can occur on the skin
  • Water can loosen the skin and lighten the pigment of the inks
  • Discoloration can occur in the brows
So, when it comes to the question of “When can I wash my eyebrows after microblading?” the short answer is at least ten days, but it’s really as long as it takes for your eyebrows to cleanse and heal themselves naturally. You can use a VERY light touch of soft antibacterial soap on your eyebrows after microblading to help the scabs and skin stay clean while it heals, but water will introduce problems that you don’t want! Trust us; avoiding water on your face during the shower and resisting the urge to wash your eyebrows may seem like a painful endeavor. But, it will be well worth it when you see your eyebrows looking full, beautiful, and fabulous after your microblading treatments! If you have any questions regarding our microblading services, please contact us or book an appointment today!


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