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4 Mental Health & Mindfulness Tips to Add to Your Daily Routine

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Posted by Jennifer Ngo at May 7th, 2020

You’ve probably heard from the media, your friends that are super into yoga, and bloggers online that staying mindful and practicing meditation is beneficial for both your mental and physical health. Before you write this off as another trend, you should know that science backs up these claims. Several studies from leading institutions like Massachusetts General Hospital and the American Psychological Association have found that practicing mindfulness tips can reduce symptoms of anxiety & depression while boosting self-esteem and overall cognition. This sounds great to us especially considering the current public health situation. While you’re stuck at home, it’s easy to constantly consume the news media and get anxious, sad, and depressed. That’s why we wanted to compile this list of 4 mental health and mindfulness tips that you can add to your daily routine. These can help you feel calmer and healthier naturally and easily. Let’s get started!

1. Find Self Care Practices That Work for You

One study found that only 6.6% of adults over the age of 25 engage in mental and/or physical self-care each day. However, regular self-care can boost your energy levels, reduce stress levels, soothe other unpleasant feelings, and more. There’s something that we need to make clear, though. There’s a myth that you must do certain self-care practices for mindfulness tips to work for you. This couldn’t be farther from the truth! It’s called self-care for a reason: it’s what works for yourself. If you aren’t into yoga, then you don’t have to do that for your self-care! If you don’t want to make smoothies with chia seeds and carob powder, you don’t have to! Find things that you enjoy and that care for your specific needs. This could be booking yourself a relaxing reiki facial to take care of both your mental and physical body. It could be doing a daily meditation with an app on your phone. It could be leaving your kids with your partner so you can take a walk by yourself. Or, it could be as simple as taking a slightly longer shower or following your eyelash extension maintenance routine.

2. Exercise

You might be confused that a physical activity is on this list of mental health and mindfulness tips. It makes sense when you learn that regular exercise can decrease symptoms of anxiety, depression, and negative moods while simultaneously boosting feelings of happiness, self-esteem, and cognition. As we mentioned in the self-care section of this article, you can find exercises that you enjoy and work for you. You don’t have to go running if you hate running or lift weights if that doesn’t interest you. You could dance in your kitchen, follow a yoga video on YouTube, try your hand at gardening, go for a hike… anything that gets your body moving and your blood pumping will increase feel-good endorphins that will benefit you mentally and physically.

Want to learn more about the benefits of self-care through reiki?

Check out the information on this page to learn about reiki benefits!

3. Get Into Nature

Just like self-care and exercise, studies have shown that spending more time in nature has immense benefits for your mental health. This includes reducing feelings of anxiety and depression as well as promoting feelings of relaxation. Being outside or in nature helps you stay grounded and in the moment, which is why it’s one of our favorite mindfulness tips. It doesn’t require much effort, either. You could simply take a walk around the block or visit one of Houston’s many beautiful parks or river walks. Even just sitting on your porch can get you the benefits of natural sunlight and fresh air.

4. Reduce Your Screen Time

While at home for an extended period of time, it’s very easy to spend a lot of that time watching Netflix, checking for Instagram updates, listening to the news, etc. This can increase your anxiety and can even make you feel worse overall. To avoid this happening, we recommend limiting your screen time or at least reducing the amount of time you spend on your phone or computer. This will force you to focus on yourself and spend more time on self-care activities as well as other mindfulness tips and projects that will help you focus on the here and now… instead of zoning out with another season of Orange Is the New Black.

Try These Mindfulness Tips to Feel Better Inside and Out

We hope that some of these mental health and mindfulness tips will help you feel grounded, happy, and healthy during this stressful time. At Chic Lash Boutique, we’re focused on taking care of our clients so they can feel good inside and out. That’s why alongside our beauty services focus on things that will make you feel relaxed and beautiful whether that’s a lash lift or our makeup services. We’re opening back up soon, so contact us to book an appointment for your favorite service in the name of self-care, of course!


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