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How To Carefully Brush Lash Extensions: A Guide for At-Home Maintenance

Eyelash Extensions

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at June 5th, 2023

Are you ready to flaunt those stunning lash extensions you've always wanted? Ensuring they stay beautiful and last longer is easier than you might think! Discover the simple steps to brush your lash extensions at home without any worries or stress.

Why Brushing Matters

Brushing your lash extensions is a must-do for these reasons: Preventing Tangles and Maintaining Shape: Throughout the day, your lash extensions might tangle due to sleeping or rubbing your eyes. Brushing helps keep them untangled and free-flowing. Keep that perfect curl! Brushing your lash extensions helps maintain their shape, so they stay lifted and gorgeous. Removing Debris and Stimulating Growth: Over time, lash extensions can gather dirt and makeup residue. Gently brushing removes debris, keeping your lashes hygienic and fresh. Brushing stimulates your lash follicles and encourages healthy growth. It's like a little workout for your lashes!

How to Brush Lash Extensions: The Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Wait 24 Hours

Before you start, give your lash extensions a day to settle. Waiting 24 hours after application lets the adhesive bond securely.

Step 2: Grab a Clean Spoolie, Start at the Base of the Lash

Opt for a clean spoolie brush, similar to a mascara wand. Ensure it's free from any mascara or dirt to keep your lashes clean. Hold the spoolie vertically and gently place it at the base of your lashes. Glide it downward smoothly – no tugging!

Step 3: Soft and Gentle Strokes, Untangle Gently

Using tender strokes, brush from the base to the tips. Patience is key here; take your time to avoid any potential damage. If you spot tangles or clumps, use the spoolie to gently separate them. Be gentle; your lashes deserve some love!

Step 4: Daily Brushing and Care

Make it a habit! Brush your lash extensions daily, preferably in the morning, for that fresh look. While brushing is fantastic, don't go overboard. Excessive brushing can weaken the bonds between extensions and natural lashes. And if you're pairing mascara with your extensions, go easy and skip waterproof formulas. Less is more to avoid clumps!
When you're ready for the full pampering experience, our renowned eyelash extension salon in Houston is here for you.  Treat yourself to the best in lash extensions, ensuring you're always radiant and fabulous.  Click the link to book your session today and let your eyes dazzle!


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