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What Can I Wash My Lash Extensions With?

Eyelash Extensions

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at December 10th, 2022

Eyelash Extension Care

So you’ve finally got the eyelashes of your dreams! You’re probably both excited and a little nervous about how exactly to care for your eyelash extensions. Don’t fret! You don’t have to be a licensed lash beautician to maintain proper care for your lashes– they’re surprisingly simple to clean and care for!

When Can I Get Them Wet?

The first time you shower with your new lashes, you should wait at least twenty-four hours before getting them wet, so everything has time to be properly set. The adhesive used to place the false lashes on your natural lashes needs time to cure fully, sometimes up to forty-eight hours, so make sure to ask your specific lash extension salon for aftercare instructions. Try to avoid running water directly onto your lashes, which can cause them to tangle or move and avoid water that is too hot. When you wash your face, simply go around your eyes and lashes, and use a gentle, steady hand. Also, avoid extreme water pressures, which can loosen your lashes and cause them to have a shorter lifespan than expected. Try facing away from your showerhead if the water pressure is too much. When you’re finished, pat your lashes dry with a soft cloth or paper towel and use an eyelash brush to fluff them up and shape them gently.

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How Often Should I Wash Them?

Usually, simply washing your lashes every two to three days is enough to keep them looking fresh and feeling clean. Of course, if you’re doing other strenuous activities like working out or if you’re prone to oily skin, you should wash them as needed. 

What Can I Wash my Lash Extensions With?

Most lash extensions can easily be cleaned with one of the following solutions:
  • Water

While not necessarily the ideal solution, you can certainly use plain water to clean your lashes in a pinch. Water works especially well to get bigger pieces of dirt or makeup off your lash set. Remember not to use water that is too hot– cold or lukewarm water is best.
  • Makeup Remover Wipes

Simply remove dirt and grime from your lashes with makeup remover wipes. Make sure whatever wipes you use are oil-free, as oil can degrade the adhesive used in eyelash extensions.
  • Baby Shampoo

Baby shampoo is a great option for those who have sensitive skin or just want a gentle removal formula. It is also a good alternative for those worried about accidentally getting soap in their eyes, as baby shampoo is formulated to prevent discomfort, should this happen. However, it can be less effective than something specially created for lash care.
  • Specialty Lash Shampoos

A specially designed lash shampoo is the best option for cleaning and preserving your eyelash extensions. Ask your local eyelash salon which one they recommend to get the most out of your eyelash set.
  • An Eyeliner Brush

A small eyeliner brush or lash cleansing brush works great to clean in between lashes and remove any buildup or residue. Always remember to be gentle when using brushes.
For those who don’t want to deal with putting on false lashes, an eyelash extension set can be a wonderful option! Eyelash extensions last several weeks and are easier to care for than you might think! Why not treat yourself to a new set and save time on your daily beauty routine?  Click the link to book your appointment today! 


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