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Lashes • Brows • Love


Lash Lifts at Home - It’s Best to Leave it to the Professionals

Eyelash Extensions

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at May 4th, 2021

In a follow up to our last “It’s Best to Leave it to the Professionals” article on at-home eye extensions, we thought an appropriate follow-up piece should be about doing lash lifts at home and why it’s not as easy nor advisable as some may suggest! Again, we’re not here to scare you! We just want all of our clients and non-clients alike to reduce the chances of damaging their brows, lashes, or skin! We know COVID has been tough, and many people turned to at-home DIY kits and not by choice but out of necessity. However, now that we, as a country, are easing restrictions and getting back to normal, leave the lash lifts to the professionals! As a quick reminder, a lash lift is a service that our professional artists provide, and in simple terms, it’s a perm for your eyelashes! No, don’t worry, it’s not a style from the 1970s that your aunt’s hair is still recovering from to this day. A lash lift takes the natural curl of your eyelashes and accentuates them! During a lash lift, the ideal lash shape is created and contained with safe professional-grade glues. Then, the solutions and chemicals are provided to ensure the lashes keep their shape and look beautiful for weeks to come!

Check Out Our Accompanying Article: At-Home Eyelash Extensions - It’s Best To Leave It To The Professionals

Lash Lifts at Home - Not Professional-Grade

To complete a successful lash lift, professionals use state-of-the-art aesthetician chairs, beauty-focused lighting, eyelash curling rods, silicone pads, non-toxic chemicals, and keratin-based bonding agents. The at-home lash lift kits, generally speaking, will not have professional-grade chemicals, bonding solutions, pads, or tools. For a great lash lift, it’s about knowing how to utilize the chemicals and tools for the best results without damaging your lashes. Most at-home instructions are vague and general; they don’t account for the many things that can go wrong or any environmental, mechanical, and chemical issues. This is why it’s important to have a highly trained and experienced artist perform the service. They know what to look for and how to adjust the process to get results without causing damage. Many of the at-home lash lift kits are designed for minimal use and then thrown away, so why would manufacturers put quality products in the kits? Also, the kits will often use solutions that are not FDA approved, which means they’ve not been thoroughly tested and could cause negative side effects to your eyelids and surrounding skin - yuck!

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Lash Lifts at Home - Lash Emergencies

So you may be asking yourself, “well, what’s the worst thing that can happen if I do an at-home lash lift?” If you go to any eyelash salon, chances are the lash artists will have some horror stories about clients coming in to have their lashes repaired after a botched at-home lash lift. Here are some of the most common mistakes that happen when performing a lash lift at home:
  • Chemicals applied improperly
Remember, lash professionals train for months/years to learn how to best apply the chemicals that break down the bonds between the eyelash hair strands. Many people who try this at home either use too much or too little of the chemical compound, don’t know how to apply the chemicals or don’t know the time tolerance for their hair, resulting in lashes that don’t cooperate when being lifted.
  • Improperly lifted lashes
Again, lash experts train for years to learn how to lift lashes to the desired style while also lasting longer and hold their shape without breaking. Amateurs will usually over-stress the lashes and create styling that’s not ideal (crisscrossing or uneven curl) or sustainable, especially when they don’t properly add the bonding agent to the lashes.
  • Glue mistakes
This may be the area that most people find trouble with when applying lashes at home. The bonding agent that gives the lashes their shape needs to be of the best quality and applied with absolute precision. The glue provided in the kits is cheap, and nine times out of ten, people will apply too much of it without attention to detail. It’s a bad scene. Bad glue can damage your lashes through mechanical means or react to the chemicals poorly. Don’t end up needing emergency lash services; leave lash lifts to the professionals! Click the link to book an appointment!


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