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How to Get Clear Skin for Men: 3 Common Male Skin Problems & How to Fix Them

Skin Care

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at May 7th, 2020

It might not come as a shock to learn that 30 percent of men admit that they don’t wash their face on a daily basis. It gets worse, though: 63 percent of men say that they don’t regularly use face wash with 11 percent saying that they’ve never used face wash before in their life! Many men believe that any type of soap is good enough for their face with a good majority using bar soap, body wash, or hand soap to get the job done. Well, boys, Chic Lash Boutique is here to help you out. All genders should take care of their skin to avoid accelerated signs of aging, skin damage, dryness, acne, and more. Not using the proper products can cause negative skin reactions on the face and body. Ignoring male skin care altogether will inevitably lead to damage. Clear skin for men is a few simple steps away. So guys, buckle up and get ready to learn common problems and how to deal with them the right way.

1. Ingrown Hairs

While this is true for anyone who shaves their face, legs, arms, etc, many men find themselves with ingrown hairs (also called shaving or razor bumps) more often as many shave their face quite frequently. Ingrown hairs occur when you shave and the hair gets trapped underneath the skin. Instead of growing through the skin, the hair gets “trapped” which can lead to inflammation, swelling, redness, and small hard bumps in the skin. Here are a few tips for reducing your risk of ingrown hairs: Exfoliate and cleanse pre-shave. Exfoliation and cleansing before you shave help to remove any rogue hairs, debris, or dead skin cells that can trap hair beneath the surface. Wash your face after you shave. This will remove any hair still on your face. Also, using warm water after you shave can help open your pores to allow hair to grow through the skin instead of getting trapped. Keep razors sharp. Over time, your razor or shaver will get dull. Dulled blades make it harder to get a close shave and can lead to ingrown hair. Also, remember to rinse the blades as you shave to keep them clear of hair.

2. Excess Oil

Men tend to have higher levels of testosterone and another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These hormones cause the skin to produce sebum and oils. Sometimes, though, these hormones can induce the overproduction of oils creating a greasy and oily skin type and look. Clear skin for men can be a bit trickier because of the propensity to be a bit more oily, but using the right products combined with the right skincare routine can do the trick. If excess oil has caused acne, consider getting regular acne facials to clear your skin. Face wash is also your friend! Find one that works for your skin that can wash away excess oil. Another tip: don’t be afraid to moisturize. You might think adding moisturizer on top of oily skin would backfire, but moisturizing is key to minimizing your pores and keeping your skin healthy.

Taking good care of your skin and appearance isn’t reserved for one gender!

Check out our luxury male skincare offerings if you don’t believe it!

3. UV Exposure

A recent study has revealed that the mortality rate for men with melanoma has doubled in the last 30 years. Other studies have shown that men are much less likely to wear sunscreen or wear enough sunscreen, which could also explain their increased mortality rate related to skin cancer. That being said all genders should be protecting themselves from UV exposure and damage caused by the sun. Here in Houston, we’re no stranger to strong sunlight and a high UV index. You should be wearing sunscreen whenever you’ll be in direct sunlight. As we mentioned in our Houston skin care article, you should be opting for eco-friendly sunscreen that’s non-comedogenic to help prevent breakouts. As men’s skin can be acne-prone, we also recommend looking for sunscreens with acne-fighting properties built-in for convenience and skin health.

Healthy and Clear Skin for Men: A Little Effort Goes a Long Way!

It seems that many men are put off from skincare routines because it feels inaccessible to get started. Many people, men and women alike, don’t want to dive into an expensive routine with 10 products that takes an hour per day. However, as you can see from this post, clear skin for men is as simple as washing your face, exfoliating, and occasional moisturizing. Find a routine as simple or as complex as you like that works for you and your skin. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! You can also book an appointment with one of our experts to create a Chic Lash experience perfect for you and your skin.


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