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What Is a Microcurrent Treatment? Process and Benefits

Skin Care

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at March 9th, 2020

According to a recent survey, about 70 percent of people are interested in having cosmetic treatments. The reasons vary, but one of the top reasons reported is to look younger and to combat signs of aging. This doesn’t come as a surprise. The anti-aging market is worth over 56 billion dollars and is predicted to increase by 10 billion dollars in the next three years alone!  With a million anti-aging products and procedures on the market all promising more youthful skin, it can be hard to understand which ones are legitimate. Not to mention that many of these procedures are invasive, expensive, and painful. Luckily, there are services out there that can give you youthful skin quickly and painlessly. One of those is called a microcurrent treatment. In this post, we’re going to go over what a microcurrent treatment is, how it works, and the benefits you can see from a single one.

What Is a Microcurrent Treatment?

A microcurrent treatment uses microcurrent machines to transmit low-voltage electricity to your skin and facial muscles. “Waves of electricity” sounds scary, but these treatments are actually painless thanks to the low voltage of those waves.  There are a few types of these treatments out there, but at Chic Lash Boutique, we use NuFace microcurrent technology. NuFace is one of the leading providers of this technology and provides high-quality and FDA-approved equipment for our microcurrent facials Microcurrent facials and treatments are often used to tighten skin and create a more plump and youthful appearance.

How Does a Microcurrent Treatment Work?

Plump and youthful skin sounds great, but how does this treatment actually work? It all has to do with how our skin ages. The two main protein components of skin are collagen and elastin. When we’re young, we have plenty of these proteins and we’re able to repair and regenerate them when they’re damaged. This keeps our skin tight, smooth, and youthful. As we age, though, the amount of these two proteins greatly decreases. It also becomes harder for our bodies to repair or regenerate these proteins, which causes the signs of aging we’re all familiar with: wrinkles, sagging, skin dullness, etc. It’s important to note that microcurrent therapy does not actually cause muscle contraction. What we've found is past devices that cause muscle contraction can cause the muscle to atrophy with time. Microcurrent works with the body's cellular frequency to help stimulate ATP thereby stimulating collagen and elastin for cellular repair.

The Process

If you choose to undergo a microcurrent treatment, your practitioner will have you sit or lay down. They’ll then use the microcurrent technology to transmit the soft and gentle waves on your skin.  These waves are able to penetrate through your layers of skin and directly to your muscles. This directly stimulates your facial tissues and muscles to produce both collagen and elastin naturally.  Something unique about the skin of your face is that it’s connected directly to your facial muscles. So when the microcurrents stimulate the muscles to produce those two key proteins, your skin reaps the benefits. This works to tighten skin, reduce wrinkles, improve skin brightness, and more. Microcurrent treatments can also increase your blood circulation, which can brighten up your skin. This also helps bring more nutrients and oxygen to your skin and muscle cells in the face, which can also help to heal and boost the health of your skin. Our Nuface treatment can be added onto one of our facial services or it can be offered as a standalone service.

Looking to try out our microcurrent treatment?

Learn more about it on our services page!

Microcurrent Benefits

Now that you know how the treatment works, let’s look at some of the benefits.

Youthful & Plump Appearance

Perhaps the most obvious benefits are the results!  This treatment is a quick and easy way to get your skin looking younger and brighter. Many clients also emphasize that their skin looked and felt plumped and fuller than it did before the treatment, and this is without painful injectables or fillers.

Painless & Non-Invasive

Speaking of injectables and fillers, there are none of those involved with this treatment.  Our microcurrent facial is completely non-invasive and requires no recovery time. You can be in and out in a day with amazing results! And with results including a plump, youthful, and tighter appearance, this is a great non-invasive alternative to Botox, fillers, chemical treatments, and other painful procedures.  Like we said earlier, the feeling of the microcurrents on your skin is not painful. Some describe it as a gentle “zingy” or buzzing sensation while others don’t feel much of anything! 

Fast Results

Another awesome benefit of this treatment is that you can see almost instantaneous results. After your session, you’ll immediately notice that your skin appears tighter, plumper, and lifted. You’ll continue to see improvements to your skin tone, texture, and tightness in the days following your treatment as well.

Learn More About Our NuFace Microcurrent Facial Options

There’s a reason that microcurrent treatments are one of the most popular treatments out there right now. Fast, painless, and effective treatments like this one aren’t super common, which is why we’re so excited to be able to offer it at Chic Lash Boutique.  If you want to learn more about microcurrent treatments, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about this new service and even set you up with a consultation to see if it’s right for you.  Book an appointment today!


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