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Healthy Food Houston: Staying Healthy in Highland Village


Posted by Jennifer Ngo at January 8th, 2020

If you’ve been following the updates on our blog, you might’ve read the previous two editions of this “Staying Healthy in Houston” series. To prepare for a new year and to help keep our Houston community healthy without sacrificing practicality, we’ve created these guides on how to stay healthy around our three Chic Lash Boutique locations. So far, we’ve explored maintaining your physical and mental health in Memorial and a variety of healthy options near our Montrose location. This post is for our Highland Village location, surrounded by some of the best healthy food Houston has to offer. As healthy as our services here at Chic Lash Boutique can make you look and feel, we do not suggest consuming our products. It is worth noting, however, that healthy eating and diet has a huge impact on the health of your skin. Diets filled with a lot of unhealthy fats, grease, sugar, dairy (in some cases), and other high-glycemic foods have been linked to acne and poor skin health. You can also use our facial services to help clear acne, improve skin moisture, remove dead skin, and boost collagen production to tighten and brighten skin. Facials can help your skin look refreshed and glowing even if you’ve had some food related breakouts. As we go through the healthy food options in Highland Village, we’ll make sure to point out how these food options can help you stay healthy, and which ones can help your skin health specifically.

EarthCraft Juicery

As mom always said, we need to eat our fruits and vegetables! The problem for many people is: 1) they either don’t like the taste of them or, 2) they can’t find a way to actually eat the amount they’re supposed to each day. Five total servings of fruits and vegetables is very filling and voluminous, after all! Enter juicing. Juicing is able to condense large servings of fruits and vegetables into a delicious drink that’s easy to consume. Juice also reduces the amount of fiber. While fiber is good for you, many find that it hurts their stomach if they have too much, which is where juicing can come to the rescue once again. EarthCraft Juicery has some of the best fresh, cold-pressed juice in the Houston area. They use local and raw ingredients so you know that you’re getting fresh and nutritious juice, not added sugar or flavors. On their website, they say that their main goal is:

“health and wellness [...] We aim to promote a healthy lifestyle through our ideals of transparency, purity, quality, and community!” 

Their extensive menu ranges from delicious cold-pressed green juices filled with kale, spinach, cucumber, bok choy, celery, and more to smoothies to coffee, avocado toast, and acai bowls. They also have juice cleanse packages that can help flush your body, reduce cravings for unhealthy foods, promote weight loss, and more! The best part? Juices and smoothies like the ones at EarthCraft Juicery are great for your skin. Fruits and vegetables are extremely hydrating and can moisturize your skin.  The vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals from fruits and vegetables like kale, spinach, berries, and more are hugely beneficial for skin. B vitamins from berries, vitamin D from leafy greens, vitamin C from citrus, and vitamin E from nuts and seeds in particular will help keep your skin moisturized, prevent inflammation/redness, and protect your skin from damage. Learn more about what’s packed into these amazing juices on EarthCraft’s website!

Hella Bubble

Bubble tea is a Taiwanese tea drink that has taken the world by storm in recent years. The drink itself is made with a type of tea, milk, and, the star of the show, the bubbles. The bubbles, also called boba, are tiny pearls of chewy tapioca at the bottom of the drink. Using a special large straw, you drink the tea and the bubbles all in one go, making for a very interesting experience. Many bubble teas can be high in sugar and act as a type of dessert. But Hella Bubble is on our healthy food in Houston list for a reason! Using high-quality teas, fruit ingredients, milks, and boba, Hella Bubble’s tea is a delicious treat that can fit into any healthy lifestyle.  Besides the yum factor, you can create bubble tea that’s on the healthier side. If you skip the dairy milk and opt for an alternative (or no milk at all), you can cut down on dairy and calories. You can request an unsweetened tea to cut down on your sugar intake. Tea itself also has a number of great health benefits. Green tea has a number of benefits including aiding digestion, stimulating the metabolism, boosting brain health, and providing the body with power anti inflammatory compounds and antioxidants. Black teas also have a number of health benefits including high concentration of antioxidants, benefits for heart health, improving gut health, lowering cholesterol, and improved concentration. Hella Bubble’s bubble tea is so good that you don’t even need to think about those benefits all the time! Studies show that treating yourself once in a while to something delicious (even if it isn’t the healthiest thing out there) can be good for your mental and physical health.

Eloise Nichols Grill

After the snacks, breakfast, and lunch you can get from the first two options, you might be looking for a more substantial meal. We highly recommend Eloise Nichols Grill for healthy food in Houston’s Highland Village.  This very American restaurant wants you to feel right at home, describing the ambiance as, “a no-nonsense, classic Texas beauty [...] an open, unrushed ambiance, much like [our Grandmother’s] living room where family lingered hours after a meal was complete.” Their food menu is delicious with healthy options ranging from delicious Brussels sprouts to grilled wild salmon with rice and veggies to a number of yummy salad bowls (our favorite is the superfood bowl packed with nutrients for healthy skin). The food you eat when you go out is only half of why it’s good for you. Meeting friends or family for dinner & socializing with others are key aspects to our mental and physical health. Socializing is good for brain and heart health, can lower feelings of anxiety and depression, and can improve overall happiness. Not to mention the feeling you get after a delicious meal! Make a reservation at Eloise Nichols Grill on their website

Healthy Food Houston: Tastes and Feels Great!

Making a pledge to be healthier doesn’t have to be difficult. Start with one aspect whether that’s bettering your mental health, your skin health, or eating the yummy and healthy food Houston & Highland Village has to offer! If you’re ready to get started on your skin health and your self-care with a Chic Lash Boutique service, contact us.


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