Posted by Team CLB at August 31st, 2015
The social norm for women and fitness seems to be a love/hate relationship. I see women trying all different types of diet programs – from juice cleanses, to paleo, to shakes, to pills. I’ve never really tried any of them because it didn’t seem sustainable. Also, let’s be honest, I’m not one to hold back when there’s a delicious meal in front of me. I’ve always been active and into sports. I’ve ran a few marathons and lift weekly. But I frequently felt bloated and I would mentally beat myself up. I had a poor self-image of myself – yup, this was the sad story of my life. I was a skinny-fat girl with a terrible image of myself. For those of you who don’t know what a skinny-fat chick is, it’s a girl that appears slender but has a little Buddha belly – similar to E.T. – I guess you could say E.T. belly. But this appearance only shows itself after eating poorly or a large meal. Safe to say I usually wore baggier clothes and one-piece swimsuits. I had this mentally for almost my whole life…until I started on a program that changed my life. Yes, it is mind-blowing, and yes, I love myself more than ever aaaaand I know my body so well now. I am at peace with my body and mind…I am so Zen.
So let me tell you about the process that changed my life. I started talking to a fitness buff and body guru, Jake Anderson. Our first session was reserved solely for a discussion around my mentality on food; I soon realized I was a binge eater and was addicted to food. I allowed food to control me and takeover my life. I know, so freaking dramatic, but for real it was taking over my life without me knowing it. I use to eat until my plate was clear or until all the ice cream bars in the box were gone. For some reason when I opened something to eat, I couldn’t stop until I destroyed it. I was a food monster. Luckily, I was so active that I didn’t look like I ate about 4000 calories a day, but I did. I did this for so long without realizing it. I would beat myself up and wonder why I wasn’t lean after all my working out! I know now it’s not about the amount you work-out but about the food/proportions you eat. Jake took into consideration all of this, I told him I couldn’t quickly drop calories like most girls can, because I love to throw down! He was actually ecstatic about working with me because of my baseline caloric intake. Jake made me agree to understanding that this was a life changing process, so I had to understand that this would take a few months and wasn’t an overnight effect. He wouldn’t move forward with me until I completely understood and agreed to the commitment of a totally empowered mind and body. I instantly had respect for his business model.
Jake instantly got to work on calculating my new daily caloric intake/macronutrients and I had to try my best to meet and not exceed those values. It was a struggle in the beginning but I eventually got the hang of choosing foods to best reflect those numbers. My first week of sticking to the numbers, I noticed a difference. It was very subtle and nobody else noticed it, but I did. I was excited. I weighed in every week but I really tried not to focus my efforts on weight, rather I focused on inches and appearance in clothing. It’s been about two months, I’ve lost 5lbs, and Jake has adjusted my values twice now. I am happy to say that yesterday I wore a business skirt that I haven’t worn since I was in undergrad and 108lbs!!! I am 125lbs at 5’4” right now but I don’t really care about the weight because it really only matters how great my clothes fit and how amazing I feel. My journey isn’t over yet though, this is a lifetime change. My reason for being so thrilled isn’t only because of my physical appearance but because I still throw down! I eat what I want, I party hard and enjoy daily bubble teas. I now have control over food and can eat in moderation. I am empowered and view my body as a beautiful temple – I know, corny but I’m serious. I have never had a sustainable love for my physical self as I do now. If I ever have a daughter, this is the mindset/mentality I want her to always have about herself. It’s not about comparing yourself to any other body type because everybody’s body is different. It’s about knowing your own body, training your mind, and empowering yourself. I have to thank Jake Anderson for this program because it didn’t limit me in anyway. His program transformed me physically and mentally. I am not the same person as I was when I first started, I am better. And isn’t that what we aim for at any point in time? To always be better. This program allows for sustainability and growth in all arenas. Thank you for enlightening my world Jake! Now the world can see the positivity I radiate J and hopefully this will change the mindset of all women suffering from poor body image. Never say “I’m fat” again!
Contact: Jake Anderson 832-693-6501
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